Always 2020

So I spent New Years Eve with some couples from work.  I was on my own as my wife took the kids to see her family over the long break, and I don’t have enough vacation to go with them since I started a new job in 2019.  2019 was a hell of a year.  I quit my job without another, just a phone interview the evening after I left them.  That got me in my new job exactly one month after I quit the old one.  That was an upgrade.  That said, I spent the next 6 months moving from the old house, trying to sell it, and getting into a new house.  The wife and kids followed and we sold the old house at a loss after we were in the new one.  We’re to the point now where we almost have the new house paid off, which will be a huge relief, but that wasn’t until after the mortgage company screwed us at closing and we delayed a week, and we had to liquidate some stock in savings to make the numbers work.  I’ll be so glad when I can tell them to go to hell and stop dealing with a mortgage.

The other part about moving, is we have neighbors.  I’m back in my old community, and I thought I might move next to my grade school crush’s house at one point as we were looking.  She was the one I saw and my heart skipped a beat.  I sat on her doorstep for an hour once as my friend went inside.  One April fool’s she said she loved me.  She’s the one I spent a day with at a festival junior year.  That one.  The house wasn’t next door, and her parents moved anyway.  She was married, and so was I.  Then I find out where her parents moved.  They’re next door.  My wife has talked with them more than I.  Her dad mentioned when I met him, that she was going through a divorce.  Talk about emotional roller coaster and torn feelings.  I don’t know what to say.  I figure at some point she’ll be there.  I’ll just have to say hi and fight every emotion I have to play it cool.  I’m sure I’ll have to write about it when it happens.

So, back to New Years Eve.  I’ve had the house to myself for a few days, and I went into town for the evening, hanging out with three other couples.  We went to a club that played oldies dance music.  It was fun.  I danced.  I didn’t really drink.  We got to midnight.  I was on my own.  The countdown happened.  I drank my champagne without someone to kiss, which has been standard for years now, and the first classic song of the decade, “Always” by Bon Jovi.

Not a great start to the decade.  That song holds a special place.  In 2001, when I was in love with a woman online, that was the song.  That was her’s.  It was special.  She’s the one I never met.  I’m not sure she was ever real.  I know every word, and it’s still raw 18.5 years later.  Not the best start to the decade.  We’ll see what happens.  Life is complicated some times.  Maybe most times.

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